Optimal locations for energy storage damping systems in the Western North American interconnect

TitleOptimal locations for energy storage damping systems in the Western North American interconnect
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsRaymond H Byrne, Dan Trudnowski, Jason C Neely, Ryan T Elliott, David A Schoenwald, Matthew K Donnelly
Conference Name2014 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting
Date Published07/2014
Conference LocationNational Harbor, MD, USA
KeywordsAA14-006, AARD, CERTS, damping, HVDC, oscillations, phasor measurement units (PMUs), synchrophasor-based control

Electromechanical oscillations often limit transmission capacity in the western North American Power System (termed the wNAPS). Recent research and development has focused on employing large-scale damping controls via wide-area feedback. Such an approach is made possible by the recent installation of a wide-area real-time measurement system based upon Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) technology. One potential large-scale damping approach is based on energy storage devices. Such an approach has considerable promise for damping oscillations. This paper considers the placement of such devices within the wNAPS system. We explore combining energy storage devices with HVDC modulation of the Pacific DC Intertie (PDCI). We include eigenanalysis of a reduced-order wNAPS system, detailed analysis of a basic two-area dynamic system, and full-order transient simulations. We conclude that the optimal energy storage location is in the area with the lower inertia.
